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Main Page: Kargon

Kargon is a totally new challenge! Up to four players at the same time can measure up to each other, to determine who is the biggest magician amongst themselves. This is a captivating hunt through endless catacombs and dungeons, teeming with traps and monsters. Only through purposeful choice of your magig spells and weapons will you arrive at your destination: survival!

The game is an amazing combination of a traditional dungeon-role-playing-game and a multi-player-game. Up to four players can fight against each other, or just let the computer be your opponent. Every player gets a screen-quarter, in which he can see his position in the dungeon. You play one out of ten mighty mages, and your aim is to steal all your opponents' life-energy, which you can see under every screen-quarter as a red bar. You can do this by casting several spells or by using magical artifacts. Every spell costs an amount of the testing-energy, which is represented by the yellow bar. It regenerates after a certain time. The game ends for the player who lost all its life-energy. The only player who remains is the winner.

Amiga-Games 6/96 review:
"Endless possibilities, userfriendly controls and big fun to play accredit Kargon."
"Promises once more to become a habitforming hit."
"If you love 3D-Dungeons and if Dynablaster became an addiction, you can now look forward to a captivating mixture of both types of game."
"The pre-history of Kargon is being presented in an optically pleasing Intro"
Amiga-Games 8/96: 84%
Amiga-Special 2/3/97: An outstanding game ! danger, addictive!

System requirements:

You can start 'Kargon' on every PAL-Amiga with at least 1 MB of memory, please take care, however, that you do not waste any CHIP-memory (e.g. by using a second or even third disk drive) unless you have more than enough of it :) If you have more than 512K CHIP-memory there will be several animations more. Take care that you turn off running screen-savers so that your screen does not show some undefined data after a certain time.